منتدى شموع
شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 16لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى 616698752
منتدى شموع
شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 16لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى 616698752
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هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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 شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 16لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر مصطفى

عدد المساهمات : 306
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/03/2013

شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 16لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 16لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى   شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 16لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى Emptyالأربعاء مايو 01, 2013 12:19 pm

kind طيب purple أرجواني wall chart لوحة حائط
only فقط trader تاجر common شائع
science علوم treasure كنز bring يحضر
jungle غابة- دغل one third ثلث understand يفهم
hardly بالكاد traveller مسافر strange غريب
report يبلغ the same as نفس الشئ – مثل familiar مألوف
palm نخلة argun palm نخلة discovery اكتشاف

photographer مصور in an hour فى خلال ساعة airport مطار
Thailand تايلاند Bangkok بانكوك waterfall شلال
Thai اللغة التايلاندية in order to لكى hopeful لديه أمل
along بطول rock صخرة hopeless يائس
direction اتجاه capital عاصمة reply يرد

- Discovery اكتشاف
- Invention اختراع
- Alone (adv.) - He lives alone in a big flat .
- Lonely (adj.) - He feels lonely as he has no friends .
يسجل رقم قياسي- set a new record
- Samir hasn't only got a gold metal but he has also set a new record.
 use: يستخدم
- We use knives to cut the meat. - We use chalk to write on the blackboard.
 used to + مصدر: اعتاد على
( تعبر عن عادة كانت مستمرة فى الماضى ولكنها توقفت الآن )
- He used to play football when he was young.
- He used to get up late. Now he gets up early.
 be used to + v. + ing / اسم : متعود على
- He is used to working at night. - He is used to the hot weather.
- We are used to getting up early nowadays
- ( فاعل غير عاقل ) + (is - are) used to + مصدر. يستخدم فى ( مبنى للمجهول) ( آلة أو أداة مثلا)
- ( فاعل غير عاقل ) + (is - are) used for + v. + ing.
- Wood is used to make furniture . -Wood is used for making furniture
 hard ( adjective ) = difficult. صعب / شاق
( adverb ) = with great energy. بجد / بشدة
Ex: - It's a hard life. – This is a hard question.
- He works hard. – He struggled hard to climbs the rock.
 hardly ( adverb ) = only just. بالكاد
Ex: - I hardly know him, he is too old. قبل الفعل
- The cave is too dark. We can hardly see anything. بعد الفعل المساعد
ليس فقط......ولكن - Not only ……. but also……
إذا كان فعل الجمله فعل مساعد نستخدم:
+ also + …فعل مساعد + فاعل not only + but ++ فعل مساعد + فاعل

1) Ali is a doctor. He is a player.
- Ali is not only a doctor, but he is also a player.
2) Nadia will study. She will do the housework.
- Nadia will not only study, but she will also do the housework.
إذا كان فعل الجمله عادياً نستخدم:
فعل also ++ فاعل +, but ......مصدرdo\does\did + not only + + فاعل

1) Dina watches TV. She reads a story.
- Dina doesn't only watch TV, but she also reads a story.
إذا كان هناك فاعلان فى الجمله يقومان بعمل شيئ واحد نستخدم:
........ + فعل + الفاعل الثانى, but also + + الفاعل الاولNot only +

1) Samy is a doctor. Hany is a doctor.
- Not only Samy, but also Hany is a doctor.

Listen and match
Samy and I are making a wall chart on ancient Egyptian palm trees.
Help us find titles.
a- A look inside Egyptian tombs ( 1 )
b- A strange purple fruit ( )
c- More discoveries in the desert ( )
d- A scientist finds a new kind of palm ( )
1- In 1826, an Italian trader took home many things from ancient Egyptian tombs. He didn’t only take treasures, but he also took things like food and plants which people had left for their kings.
2- Some years later, Carl Kunth, a scientist, studied the food which the trader had brought from the tombs. He found fruit from three different kinds of palm tree. He could name two kinds, but not the third. It was new to science.
3- In 1837, Paul von Wurttemberg travelled in the deserts of north Sudan. He found a palm tree with strange purple fruit about the size of a tomato. Scientists took 20 years to understand that this fruit was the same as the fruit that the Italian trader had found. It was given the name “argun” palm.
4- Two English travellers found more argun palms in 1863 while they were crossing the deserts in Sudan and Egypt. After that, hardly anyone reported seeing these trees again. Now scientists are trying to understand why argun palms have become so unusual in Egypt today.
Make sentences
a The Italian trader didn’t only take treasures but they were also found in Sudan. ( ) b He didn’t only take food to Italy but he also took other things. (a )
c Argun palms weren’t only found in Egypt but they were also common in the gardens of ancient Egypt. ( )
d Argun palms weren’t only common in deserts but he also took plants. ( )

Quickly read the first part of a story about a photographer. Find examples of the following:
a. two past continuous verbs
b. a verb in the past perfect
c. two verbs + to + -ing
d. three verbs + to + verb
Martin White is a famous animal photographer. Some years ago, Martin and his wife Pam were looking forward to going home from a trip to Thailand. Pam was driving them along a jungle road on the way to the airport in Bangkok, the capital, in order to fly to Britain. “Stop please, Pam,” Martin said. “There’s a waterfall near here and I want to take a picture of it.” “If you are going to go into the jungle alone, you must be careful,” Pam said. “Don’t worry,” Martin replied. “I’m used to going into the jungle. The waterfall is only two kilometres from here. You wait in the car. I’ll be back in an hour.” Martin set off. He heard water crashing onto rocks so he decided to walk in the direction of the noise. There were lots of trees and walking was hard. After he’d walked for an hour, he passed a pool. But now he could hardly hear the waterfall. As he saw the sun going down, he began to think, “I must get back to the car.”
1 Martin usually took photos of ….....................
a waterfalls. b Thailand. c animals. d jungles.
2 How did Pam feel about Martin going into the jungle?
a angry b worried c happy d excited
3 When Martin went to the waterfall, Pam was in ….....................
a the car. b Bangkok. c the jungle. d Britain.
4 When Martin passed a pool, ….....................
a he could see the waterfall. b it was night.
c he wanted to go back. d walking was easy.

(3) Verbs + v.ing مصدر (2) verbs + to + v. (1) Verbs + to + ing
يستمتع ب- enjoy
يتفادى/ يتجنب- avoid - imagine \ fancy
يحب- like \ love يريد أن-want to
يطلب to (شخص)-ask
يدعو/يعزم to (شخص)-invite
يساعد -help…. to
يريد ان-would like to
يفضل أن-would prefer to
يقرر أن-decide to
إعتاد أن-be used to -look forward to
يتوق/ يشتاق الى
يعترض على-object to
يتطلع إلى / يطمح أن -aspire to
يعتاد على -be used to
(1) - He is looking forward to seeing you. - I object to traveling abroad.
- We aspire to winning the World Cup. - He is used to getting up early.
(2) He wants to have a meal outdoors. - He asked me to help him in his h.w.
- I invite Hany to attend my birthday party. - Dad helped me to find a new job.
- I'd like to be a doctor. - I'd prefer to stay at home.
- I decided to help mum with the housework. - He used to go to school on foot.
(3) We enjoyed swimming in the sea. - I avoid sitting with bad people.
- I can't imagine flying over Everest with two wings.- He loves watching movies.
ملحوظه: الصفات التى يأتى بعدها حرف جر نضع بعدها "v.ing"
- I am interested in playing football. - He is good at decorating houses.
- Ali is bad at cooking. - She's worried about failing the test.

1- Finish the following dialogue:
between Maha is asking Nada about her favourite hobby :
Maha : What is your favourite hobby ?
Nada : Computer and the internet .
Maha : ( 1 ) ...............using the internet ?
Nada : I've been using it for five years .
Maha : ( 2 )
.. ?
Nada : I started in 2002 .
Maha : ( 3 ) .. ?
Nada : I've learned a lot of information in many field of life .
2- Read and correct the underlined words :
1- Paul Martin wanted to taking a photo of a waterfall . ( ........................ )
2- Pam and Martin were looking forward to arrive in Bangkok . ( ........................ )
3- Martin was used to go into the jungle with no one with him . ( ........................ )
4- Martin saw the sun go down behind the trees . ( ........................ )
5- Martin could hear the water fall onto the rocks . ( ........................ )

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. The trader didn't ……………. take treasures, but he also took other things.
a. neither b. only c. either d. too
2. She not only wrote the letter, but she ……………. gave a model answer.
a. too b. 'd better c. as well d. also
3. You can't only visit the museum, but you can also ……………. the Pyramids.
a. visits b. visited c. visit d. visiting
4. She didn't only take food to Iraq, but she also ……………. fruit.
a. taking b. took c. takes d. taken
5. Carl Kunth was a ...........
a. trader b. scientist c. teacher d. chemist
6. She hardly had .......... money with her yesterday.
a. no b. some c. any d. few
7. He not only helps his father but he .......... studies hard.
a. also b. too c. as well d. either
8. Football is the most .......... game in Egypt.
a. uncommon b. common c. abnormal d. unusual
9. The fruit .......... the name "argun" palm.
a. give b. gave c. gives d. was given
10. The .......... trader who took the treasures and the food was Italian.
a. trade b. trader c. trading d. traded
11. Ahmed did not report .......... the stolen car.
a. seeing b. saw c. to see d. seen
12. He didn't only see the thief, but.......... caught him.
a. he also b. also he c. as well d. did he also
13. Abu Trekka is used to …………….famous goals.
a. scores b. scoring c. score d. scored
14. Hanan …………….hot weather in Saudi Arabia.
a. is used to b. used to c. get used to d. uses to
15. We …………….living in a healthy house by the river.
a. used to b. use to c. are used to d. gets used to

4- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. She bought a new handbag and welcomed her guests. (not only)
2. He watered the plants. He studied his lesson. (not only)
3. She's silly. She's lazy. (not only)
4. He gave me a present. He told me good news. ( not only)
5. Mahmoud gets up early every day. (is used to)
6. I don't mind working hard for 8 hours. (am used)
7. We use a balance to weigh things. (is used)
8. He always eats Egyptian food. (is used to)
9. He is a teacher and a referee. (not only)
10. Mona visited Luxor and Aswan. (not only)
11. Ali visited Mersa Matrouh when he was a child. (used to)
12. He bought a suit and a tie. (not only)

footprints آثار أقدام own يمتلك care يعتنى
get dark تظلم lost مفقود voice صوت إنسان
fearful مخيف won't be long لن أتأخر sound صوت شئ
feel afraid يشعر بالخوف patiently بصبر cry يبكى - يصيح
lost مفقود thick سميك follow يتبع
mark درجة – علامة ground أرض weather الطقس

geography جغرافيا religion دين season فصل
main town مدينة رئيسية size حجم – مقاس grow ينمو
square مربع fishing village قرية صيد temple معبد
traffic مرور good for جيد لـ population سكان

1- Pam White sat patiently in the car, then looked at her watch. “I’m sure Martin won’t be long,” she thought. “He said he would be here in an hour.”
2- Later, Pam wanted some air and left the car. She jumped when she heard a loud noise. “What’s that?” she cried. It was an animal in the trees above her head.
3- Pam walked to where Martin had gone into the jungle. She was hoping to find his footprints. She looked at the ground, but she couldn’t see anything. “I mustn’t leave the car,” she thought.
4- At the same time, Martin was trying hard to walk through the thick jungle. He was beginning to feel afraid. “It’s getting very dark. I must get back to Pam,” he thought.
5- Then Martin looked down. There were footprints on the ground. He said loudly, “Great. I’ll follow these footprints. They’ll take me to the road.”
6- Martin began to run, but then he came to the pool where he had been before. He was following his own footprints. “I’m completely lost,” he said. The sun had disappeared. It was night.

a. Thailand is a big country in South East Asia with an area of about half a million square kilometres. It has got three countries to the north of it and one country, Malaysia, to the south.

b. Thailand has got the sea to the west and the east and there are lots of fishing villages in these areas. Most of the land is mountains in the north and south but the centre of the country isn’t very high and is good for agriculture.

c. The weather in Thailand is often hot and humid. There are three seasons. The first is called the hot season and is from March to May. The wet season is in June, July and August. The cool, dry season is from September to February.

d. The capital of Thailand is called Bangkok. It has a population of about nine million people. It’s a modern city with lots of traffic, although there are older buildings as well. Chieng Mai in the north and Korat in the centre are other big towns.

e. Farming is important in Thailand. Rice is the most important crop which is grown. Fruit and vegetables are also grown. The main exports are rice and wood and the most important imports are machines, cars and other vehicles.

f. Most people in Thailand are Buddhists. Because of this, there are a lot of Buddhist temples. There is a small number of Muslims in Thailand as well. Most Muslims live in the south of Thailand, near Malaysia.
التعبير عن المشاعر 1) Expressing feelings

القلق worry الأمل hope الدهشة surprise الخوف Fear
1- I’m rather worried about …
2- I’m concerned about …
اننى قلق بشدة على ...
1- I hope you get well soon.
أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل.
2- I hope you find …
3- I hope you will be better soon.
أتمنى أن تشفى قريبا.
4- I hope you … 1- Good heavens!
يا الهى
2- What a (lovely) surprise!
يالها من مفاجئة 1- I m afraid of
2- I m terrified of
3- I m frightened of
اننى خائف من

1- Write what you would say in the following situations :
1- Your friend is going to take an exam .
2- Your friend is ill .
3- You see a wild dog coming towards you .
4- You waited for your friend and he came late .
5- Your uncle is in hospital . You visited him .
2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
1- I ................... have any money.
a. hard b. hardly c. lately d. late
2. The jungle was so …………….that it was difficult for me to walk through.
a. heavy b. thin c. light d. thick
3. Noha is ill. She …………….take her medicine.
a. must b. must have c. may have d. might have
4. Pam White walked to ……………. her husband had gone into the jungle.
a. when b. what c. how d. where
5. In the jungle, we can see ……………. on the ground.
a. footprints b. fingerprints c. legs d. hands
6. He feels .......... when he sees his father who is kind.
a. angry b. worried c. happy d. afraid
7. Argun palms weren't only ........ in the north of Egypt but they were also found in the south.
a. situated b. located c. found d. lies
8. .......... is the most important crop in Thailand.
a. Cotton b. Vegetables c. Fruit d. Rice
9. Most of the land is good.......... farming.
a. for b. in c. at d. on
10. Most Muslims live in the .......... of Thailand.
a. east b. west c. south d. north
11........... weather is hot and humid.
a. Her b. Its c. It's d. It
12. Bangkok has a population of.......... nine million people.
a. over b. under c. about d. just
13. The main .......... of Thailand are machines and cars.
a. exports b. sales c. goods d. imports
14........... capital is Bangkok.
a. It b. Its c. It's d. Her
15. The .......... of most of the people in Thailand is Buddhism.
a. religion b. culture c. location d. situation
16- I don't.......... like bananas, but I also like oranges.
a) alone b) lonely c) only d) one
17- Nader is used to ............. alone..
a) live b) living c) lived d) lives
18- The crew of the ship want............... immediately.
a) sail b) sailing c) to sail d) sailed
19- Ahmed went to bed when he felt...................
a) tiring b) tire c) tireless d) tired
3- Read and match :
1- Samy went to bed because
2- We decided to
3- The pilot wanted to
4- Salma wanted to sleep early , so
5- Soha not only likes biscuits  take off on time .
 but she also likes sweets .
 he felt too tired to watch the film .
 go to the cinema .
 cleaned the room .
 everybody tried to be very quiet.

A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Omar : I'm looking forward to the summer holiday .
Salma : Me too . Where will you spend it?
Omar :

Salma : Oh ! I love the beaches at Mersa Matrouh . That will be fantastic
Omar :
……………………… ?
Salma : For two weeks .
Omar : ………………………. ?
Salma : By bus
2- Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- Someone asks you what seas are near Egypt.
2- Your dad is going to have an operation. Express worry.
3- You tell a friend you think you're going to win a prize. Express hope.
4- You tell your father how you saved a little boy who fell in the swimming pool.
B) Reading Comprehension
3- Read and match:
1- Sami used to
2- The boy fell into a pond
3- Khalid said he had gone
4- Most of the land in our country is
5- Salma climbed up a) the ladder to change a bulb.
b) dry desert.
c) smoke heavily.
d) and got wet.
e) to the cinema the day before.
f ) to smoking.

4- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Alexandria is a famous, beautiful coastal city which is situated in the north of Egypt. Being on the Mediterranean coast opposite many Asian and European countries made it Egypt's first port. So, it is an important trade centre for import and export.
Besides, Alexandria has always been the first summer resort, where people spend their holidays enjoying the sea and its fine weather. It had been known long before Sharm El Sheikh became what it is now. Sharm El Sheikh is for the elite whereas most people consider Alexandria as their favourite resort.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Where is Alexandria situated?
2- What made it an important trade centre?
3- Why do people go to Alexandria in the holidays?

B) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
4- The underlined words, "its" refers to ...............
a) Sharm El Sheikh b) Alexandria c) summer d) the sea
5- The underlined word, "the elite" means .............. people.
a) all b) the poorest
c) a great number of d) a few rich
6- Alexandria is ............. Sharm El Sheikh as s summer resort.
a) less popular than b) as popular as
c) more popular than d) not as popular as
C) Usage and Writing
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The area of this city is one thousand............... kilometres.
a) cubic b) square c) long d) far
2- Dalia used ........... with a pencil when she was young,
a) write b) writing c) to write d) to writing
3- I'm............ about him. He's going to be all right.
a) hopeless b) hopeful c) fearful d) worried
4- She said she ............. come to the party the next day.
a) will b) has c) would d) had
5-............... deals with the earth, continents and countries.
a) History b) Maths c) Geography d) Science
6- The Red Sea is .......... the east of Egypt.
a) on b) to c) in d) at
7- This country has a /an ............... of two million people.
a) location b) production c) area d) population
8- He won't only travel abroad, but he will............ get married.
a) too b) to c) also d) two

6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- First, he exercised, then he had a shower. (As soon as)
2- Sahar bought meat and cooked it. (not only)
3- I want very much to start my new project. (look forward to)
4- She was in the habit of wasting money but now she isn't. ( used to )

7- Read and correct the underlined word:
1- Rawia told me she has made a mistake. ( ………………. )
2- Bangkok is the capital of Malaysia. ( ………………. )
3- He didn't only came late, but he also forgot his books. ( ………………. )
4- A desert is a hot area with lots of trees and animals. ( ………………. )

8- Write an e-mail to an internet friend, Stewart, who wants to visit Egypt Your name is Ali and your e-mail address is, ali2010 @ yahoo. com.
- Guiding points;
- Start the e- mail. - Ask how he is.
- Tell him about the fine weather and monuments.
- Tell him there are many beautiful beaches.- Encourage him to come.
- Ask him to e- mail back. - End the e- mail.
D) The Reader
9-A) Answer the following questions:
1- What creatures did Axel expect to see on Lidenbrock Sea?
2- How did the Professor find out the depth of the Sea?
3- What did Axel think the dark shape was?
4- What did they see in the island?
B) Complete the following sentences:
1- To make a raft, Hans .
2- Axel fainted again when
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شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 16لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 13 لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى
» شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 14لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى
» شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 15لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى
» شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 17لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى
» شرح رائع ومراجعة شاملة للوحدة 18لغة انجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الثانى

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منتدى شموع :: الصف الثالث الإعدادى :: اللغة الإنجليزية الفصل الدراسى الثانى-
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