منتدى شموع
شرح شامل للوحدة السابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول 616698752
منتدى شموع
شرح شامل للوحدة السابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول 616698752
منتدى شموع
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى شموع

الرئيسيةمجلة شموع الحبأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح شامل للوحدة السابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر مصطفى

عدد المساهمات : 306
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/03/2013

شرح شامل للوحدة السابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح شامل للوحدة السابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول   شرح شامل للوحدة السابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول Emptyالسبت يوليو 27, 2013 1:46 pm

Narrator: What does Walid want to be?
Walid : What time’s the match?
Mustafa : It’s at seven o’clock.
Amr : I like playing football. I want to be a footballer.
Mustafa : I want to be an athlete.
Amr : What do you want to be, Walid?
Walid : I want to be a pilot.
Mustafa : My sister wants to be an English teacher.
Walid : Why?
Mustafa : Because she likes speaking English.
I want to be … أريد أن أكون .... a driver سائق
a pilot طيار an officer ضابط
an engineer مهندس an athlete لاعب رياضي
a doctor طبيب What time..? ما الوقت...؟
a nurse ممرضة Why? لماذا؟
a carpenter نجار people ناس ، أشخاص
a footballer لاعب كرة القدم amazing مدهش
a farmer فلاح jewellery مجوهرات
a mechanic ميكانيكي amazing jewellery مجوهرات مدهشة
a housewife ربة منزل ( ست بيت ) can علبة
a vet طبيب بيطري cans علب
a scientist عالم bottle زجاجة
a diver غواص bottles زجاجات
a singer مغنى because لأن.....
a fisherman صياد life ( مفرد ) حياة ( مفرد )
a writer كاتب lives ( جمع ) حيوات ( جمع )
a baker خباز ، فران people’s lives حياة الناس
a teacher مدرس bag شنطة
a secretary سكرتير bags شنط
a policeman شرطي Oh dear! ويحي ! (

تصريف الأفعال Conjugation of Verbs
A- Regular Verbs أفعال منتظمة
ماضي بسيط Past simple مضارع بسيط Present simple
غطس dived يغطس dive
أراد wanted يريد want
لعب played يلعب play
ساعد helped يساعد help
عاش lived يعيش live
أنقذ saved ينقذ save
أحب liked يحب like
B- Irregular Verbs أفعال غير منتظمة
ماضي بسيط Past simple مضارع بسيط Present simple
صنع made يصنع make
زرع – نما grew يزرع - ينمو grow
وجد found يجد find
تكلم spoke يتكلم speak
جرى ran يجرى run
طار flew يطير fly
يمكن تكوين بعض الأسماء من بعض الأفعال، ومثال ذلك:
غطاس diver يغطس dive
يكتب writer يكتب write
سباح swimmer يسبح swim
مغني singer يغني sing
لاعب player يلعب play
سائق driver يسوق drive
مدرس teacher يدرس teach
قارئ reader يقرأ read
خباز baker يخبز bake
بني builder يبني build
Language Functions الوظائف اللغوية
Enquiry : الاستفهام عن الوقت
Hany : What time’s the English lesson?
Samy : It is at two o’clock.

Likes : ما نحب I like ……..
Hala : I like playing computer games.
Reda : I like playing basketball.
( like + Verb – ing )

Enquiry : الاستفهام عن ما تحب أن تكون ( مثل الوظيفة)
What do you want to be?
I want to be + اسم الوظيفة
Amr : What do you want be?
Mustafa : I want to be a teacher of English.
Nabila : What do you want to be?
Munira : I want to be a nurse.

تستخدم كلمة الاستفهام Why…? للسؤال عن السبب
Why do you want to be a / an + اسم الوظيفة ?
Because لأن + الفاعل + like + verb – ing
To + الفعل في المصدر

Questions & Answers
1) Why do want to be a doctor?
 Because I like helping sick people.
2) Why do want to be an athlete?
 Because I like running.
3) Why do you want to be an English teacher?
 Because I like speaking English.
4) Why do you want to be an engineer?
 Because I like making new things.
5) Why do you want to be a teacher?
 Because I like teaching pupils.
6) Why do you want to be a footballer?
 Because I like scoring goals.
7) Why do you want to be a vet?
 Because I like helping sick animals.
8) Why do you want to be a diver?
 Because I like saving people’s lives.
9) Why do you want to be a housewife?
 Because I like helping the family
10) Why do you want to be a farmer?
 Because I like growing vegetables and fruit.
11) Why do you want to be a driver?
 Because I like driving cars and buses.
12) Why do you want to be a pilot?
 Because I like flying planes.
13) Why do you want to be a carpenter?
 Because I like making beds, tables and chairs.
14) Why do you want to be a singer?
 Because I like singing songs.
15) Why do you want to be a swimmer?
 Because I like swimming in he sea.
16) Why do you want to be a nurse?
 Because I like helping sick people.
17) Why do you go to school?
 To learn.
18) Why are you going to a hospital
 To visit my grandfather.
19) Why are you going to the club?
 To play football.
20) Why are you going to the cinema?
 To watch a new film.

- عندما نسأل شخصاً عن الوظيفة التي يريدها نستخدم:
What do you want to be? ماذا تريد أن تكون؟
 I want to be a / an + اسم الوظيفة التي تريدها
 I don’t want to be a / an + اسم الوظيفة التي لا تريدها
Questions & Answers
1- What do you want to be?
- I want to be a teacher/ an engineer/…………….
2- What do you want to be?
- I want to be a vet.
3- What do you want to be?
- I want to be a doctor.
4- What do you want to be?
- I want to be a driver.
- وإذا كان الفاعل مفرد غائبا نسأل بـ :
What does he/she want to be?
- في الإجابة نستخدم :
He / She wants to be a / an + اسم الوظيفة
Questions & Answers
1- What does Maha want to be?
- She wants to be a vet.
2- What does Osama want to be?
- He wants to be a swimmer.
3- What does Munira want to be?
- She wants to be a nurse.
4- What does Yara want to be?
- She wants to be a teacher of English.
5- What does Fatma want to be?
- She wants to be a doctor.
راجع أهم الجمل التي وردت بالوحدة حتي تستطيع ترتيب سؤال الترتيب :
1) What does Walid want to be?
2) What time is the match?
3) It is at seven o’clock.
4) I want to be a footballer. { I want to be a / an + اسم الوظيفة }
5) I want to be an athlete.
6) I want to be a pilot.
7) Whyلماذا do you want to be a teacher of English?
8) I want to be a doctor because I like helping people.
9) I want to be a diver to find amazing jewellery.
10) A carpenter likes making furniture.
أهم التعبيرات والمصطلحات التي وردت بالوحدة
 أريد أن أكون ......  I want to be a / an …… .
 رياضي  an athlete
 ما الوقت؟  What time?
 حياه الناس  people’s lives
 مجوهرات مذهلة  amazing jewellery
 يعمل أثاث  making furniture
Exercises on the Seventh Unit
1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:
- 1 -
because football footballer Why?
Mustafa : What do you want to be?
Fady : I want to be a teacher.
Mustafa : ………………
Fady : ……………… I like teaching pupils.
Mustafa : Who is your favourite ……………… ?
Fady : Abu Treka.
- 2 -
from to Where well
Tourist : Excuse me. Do you speak English?
Tamer : Yes, very ………………. Can I help you?
Tourist : Can you show me the way to the Pyramids, please?
Tamer : The Pyramids! Go along this way and turn right.
Tourist : You can find them there. ……………… are you from?
Tamer : I am ……………… New York.

2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
- 1 -
1- Heba : What do you want to be?
Noura : a) I want to fly a plane.
b) I want to be an athlete.
c) I want to play football.
2- Dalia : a) What do you like doing?
b) What do you like eating?
c) What do you like drinking?
Mona : I like reading books.

- 2 -
1- Ashraf : What do you want to be?
Moutaz : a) I want to drink water.
b) I want to play basketball.
c) I want to be an engineer.
2- A : a) Why do you want to be a pilot?
b) Why do you want to be an athlete?
c) Why do you want to be an engineer?
B : Because I like making new things?

3-Read and match:
- 1 -
( A ) ( B )
1- What does”tiny” mean? a- It is clear.
2- How high is Mount Sinai? b- It is in Sinai.
3- Where is St Catherine’s? c- It is 2285 metres high.
4- How’s water in Hurghada? d- On the north side of the dam.
e- Very small.
- 2 -
( A ) ( B )
1- What does a vet do? a- dislikes.
2- A farmer grows b- Yes, he does.
3- “Likes” is the opposite of c- He helps sick animals.
4- Does the carpenter make furniture? d- fruit and vegetables.
e- He helps sick people.

4- Read and the following, then answer the questions:
( 1 )
Dr Hany was born in Cairo in 1950. He went to Aswan in 1980 and lived there. He likes his work because he helps sick people get better. He has married and has a girl and two boys. His wife is a teacher. She likes reading stories for her children.
1- What does the underlined word “He” refer to?
2- Why does Dr Hany like his job?
3- Dr Hany has …………… children.
a) no b) three c) two
4- Dr Han’s wife is a …………….
a) doctor b) secretary c) teacher
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
( 1 )
1) You …………… play football in the classroom.
a) must b) mustn’t c) should
2) …………… time is it now, please?
a) Where b) When c) What
3) My house isn’t near my school so I ride my …………… to school.
a) bike b) train c) plane
4) She left the school and …………… the road.
a) went b) crossed c) walked
5) Ali and his sister …………… born in Tanta.
a) were b) was c) is
6) Aswan is …………… than Cairo.
a) hot b) hotter c) colder
( 2 )
1) Tourists like …………… in the Red Sea.
a) flying b) diving c) reading
2) Her brother …………… born in 1889.
a) were b) am c) was
3) A horse is …………… than an elephant.
a) faster b) slower c) bigger
4) I always …………… to school.
a) fly b) swim c) walk
5) …………… years ago, I was in class four.
a) Two b) Twelve c) Ten
6) The pharaohs …………… the Pyramids.
a) built b) building c) build
( 3 )
1) …………… is the CN Tower? * It’s in Toronto.
a) What b) Where c) When
2) You …………… play football in the street.
a) must b) mustn’t c) are
3) I must brush my …………… every day.
a) mouth b) nose c) teeth
4) Summer is hotter …………… spring.
a) to b) than c) can
5) The Pyramids are ……………
a) small b) short c) great
6) …………… the word again, please.” H e a l t h y “
a) Spelling b) Spell c) Spells
( 4 )
1) Ahmed Orabi …………… in 1841.
a) born b) was born c) were born
2) White is a ……………
a) place b) colour c) person
3) What …………… Hamdy want to be?
a) has b) do c) does
4) He wants to be …………… because he likes running.
a) an engineer b) an athlete c) a doctor
5) The match is at …………… o’clock.
a) three b) thirty c) thirteen
6) My brother wants to be a swimmer because he likes …………….
a) swim b) swimmer c) swimming
( 5 )
1) …………… do you want to be? – A carpenter.
a) Where b) What c) Who
2) A pilot …………… a plane.
a) flying b) fly c) flies
3) Hany wants to be a teacher of English because he likes …………… English.
a) speaking b) speak c) speaks
4) …………… time is the film?
a) When b) Who c) What
5) He wants to be …………… because he likes helping sick people.
a) an engineer b) a doctor c) an athlete
6) A …………… likes growing crops and keeping animals.
a) farmer b) vet c) pilot
( 6 )
1) My sister wants to be a writer because she likes …………… books.
a) speaking b) swimming c) writing
2) A carpenter …………… furniture.
a) makes b) make c) flies
3) Ahmed wants to be a teacher of Arabic because he likes …………… Arabic.
a) speaking b) speak c) speaks
4) Amal is a teacher. She works in a …………….
a) shop b) hospital c) school.
5) …………… do you want to be a nurse? * Because I like helping sick people.
a) Where b) Why c) Who
6) The pilot likes flying ……………
a) kites b) planes c) cars

6- Re-arrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
( 1 )
1) in – Come – the – close – and – door.
2) near – Aswan – Dam – The – is – High.
3) Sinai – arrived – Dad – in – Thursday – on.
( 2 ) 1) do – want – What – be – to – you?
2) helping – A vet – likes – animals.
3) want – teacher – be – to – an English- I .

6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
( 1 )
1) A housewife helps her family. ( Who )
2) A carpenter makes furniture. ( What )
3) I want to be a teacher because I like teaching. ( Why )
( 2 ) 1) A vet likes helping animals. ( What )
2) A farmer grows vegetables and fruit. ( What )
3) I go to school to learn ( Why )

7-Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:

خلاصة الكلام

8 - Punctuate the following sentences:
1) are you egyptian or british
2) does salwa want to be an arabic teacher
3) i want to be a teacher of english
4) do amr and ali want to be doctors
5) we learn arabic and english at school
6) was ahmed samy born in 1999
7) did manal go to luxor last month

9- Copy the following sentences:
1- “East” is the opposite of west.
2- The pilot likes flying planes.
3- Cats eat fish.
4- A teacher works at school.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح شامل للوحدة السابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» شرح شامل للوحدة السادسة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول
» شرح شامل للوحدة الخامسة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول
» شرح شامل للوحدة الرابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول
» شرح شامل للوحدة الثالثة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول
» شرح شامل للوحدة الثانية انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول

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