منتدى شموع
شرح شامل للوحدة الرابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول 616698752
منتدى شموع
شرح شامل للوحدة الرابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول 616698752
منتدى شموع
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى شموع

الرئيسيةمجلة شموع الحبأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح شامل للوحدة الرابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر مصطفى

عدد المساهمات : 306
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/03/2013

شرح شامل للوحدة الرابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح شامل للوحدة الرابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول   شرح شامل للوحدة الرابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول Emptyالسبت يوليو 27, 2013 2:02 pm

Narrator: Who built the Pyramids?
Miss Noura : Today we’ve got history.
We are learning about the ancient Egyptians.
Miss Noura : The Pharaohs built the Pyramids at Giza.
Sara : How high is the Great Pyramid, Miss Noura?
Miss Noura : It’s one hundred and thirty seven metres high.
Miss Noura : The Pharaohs also built gardens and temples.
Amr : They were very beautiful.
pharaoh فرعون history تاريخ
metres أمتار Arabic لغة عربية
the Great Pyramid الهرم الأكبر English لغة إنجليزية
temple معبد science علوم
bus أتوبيس art رسم
bike = bicycle دراجة music موسيقي
aeroplane = plane طائرة ركاب maths حساب
train قطار computer حاسب آلي
truck شاحنة geography جغرافيا
card بطاقة bear دب
tower برج monkey قرد
the Pyramids الأهرامات elephant فيل
garden حديقة horse حصان
number رقم tiger نمر
height ارتفاع pears كمثرى
weight وزن plus and + زائد
location موقع pen قلم
paper ورق animal حيوان
pencil قلم رصاص water ماء
fruit فاكهة friend صديق

Monuments Location (Place)
Where is the Cairo Tower? ⇒ It is in Cairo.
Where is the Sphinx? ⇒ It is in Giza.
Where are the Pyramids? ⇒ They are in Giza.
Where is the Eiffel Tower? ⇒ It is in Paris.باريس ( عاصمة فرنسا )
Where is the CN Tower? ⇒ It is in Toronto.تورنتو ( في كندا )
Where is the Galata Tower? ⇒ It is in Istanbul.إسطنبول ( في تركيا )
Where is Big Ben? ⇒ It is in London.
Where is the Telecom Tower? ⇒ It is in London.
Where is the Milad Tower? ⇒ It is in Tehran. طهران ( عاصمة إيران )

تصريف الأفعال Conjugation of Verbs

ماضي بسيط Past simple مضارع بسيط Present simple
بني built يبنى build
تعلم learnt/ learned يتعلم learn
حصل علي got يحصل علي get

كلمـــــــــــــات وعكســـــــــــــــها Words and opposites

حديث modern قديم ancient
قبيح ugly جميل beautiful
منخفض ( واطي ) low عالي high
كبير الحجم big صغير الحجم small
أمس yesterday غداً tomorrow
قصير short طويل long
يكره dislike يحب like
يبيع sell يشترى buy

* راجع أهم الجمل التي وردت بالوحدة تساعدك علي حل سؤال الترتيب
Important sentences mentioned in the unit

1) We study history to learn about the Ancient Egyptians.

2) The pharaohs built the Pyramids at Giza.

3) How high is the Great Pyramid? { How high is …………..? تستخدم للسؤال عن الارتفاع }

4) It’s one hundred and thirty-seven meters high.

5) The pharaohs also built gardens and temples.

6) The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.

7) The CN Tower is in Toronto.

8) The Galata Tower is in Istanbul.

9) Big Ben is in London.

10) What is ten plus ten?

11) A bear is an animal.

12) A pear is a fruit.

13) The Sphinx is at Giza.

أهم التعبيرات والمصطلحات التي وردت بالوحدة

 يسجل أهداف  is scoring goals
 الصحراء الغربية  the Western Desert
 مياه ورمال نقية  pure water and sand
 يرسل بريد إلكتروني  send an e-mail
 خضراء جداً  very green
 حجرة الكمبيوتر  computer room
 نخيل  palm trees
 منازل تقليدية  traditional houses
 عربة يجرها الحمار  donkey cart
 مشهور بـ  famous for
 مصري مشهور  famous Egyptian

للسؤال عن الفاعل العاقل 
Who +الفعل ………? من......؟

1-Who built the Pyramids? من الذي بني الأهرامات ؟
 The Pharaohs built the Pyramids.
2-Who sent you a postcard? من الذي أرسل لك بطاقة بريدية ؟
 My Friend Essam sent me a postcard.
3- Who took these nice photos?من الذي أخذ هذه الصور الجميلة ؟
 My father took them.
4- Who gave you a pencil yesterday?من الذي أعطاك قلم الرصاص أمس؟
 My friend Hesham gave me a pencil yesterday.
للسؤال عن الارتفاع :
How high is ……….? ما ارتفاع ......؟
* والرد يكون :
It is………… metres high.يبلغ ارتفاعه........ مترا.
How high is the Great Pyramid?
It is 137 metres high. يبلغ ارتفاعه 137 مترا.
How high is the building?
 It is twenty metres high.يبلغ ارتفاعه 20 مترا.
 How high is the Cairo Tower?
 It is 187 metres high. يبلغ ارتفاعه 187 مترا.
 How high is the Eiffel Tower?
 It is 324 metres high. يبلغ ارتفاعه 324 مترا.
للسؤال عن المكان :
Where is / are ……? أين يكون .....؟
* والرد يكون :
It is / They are in + ………………………

 Where is the Eiffel Tower?
 It is in Paris.
 Where is he from?
I am from Fayoum.
 Where are the Pyramids?
They are in Giza.
 Where is your pen?
It is under the desk.
The present continuous tenseزمن المضارع المستمر
1- يعبر عن شيء يحدث الآن ومستمر الحدوث أثناء الكلام.
2- يتكون المضارع المستمر من:
am , is ,are + فعل -ing
 Nabila is watching TV.(أثبات )  ( What is Nabila doing? )
 Nabila isn’t watching TV.(نفي )
 Is Nabila watching TV?( سؤال )
Yes, she is. Or No, she isn’t.
 I am learning English now.  ( What are you doing? )
 I am not learning English now.
 Are you learning English now?
Yes, I am. Or No, I am not.

Questions and answersأسئلة وإجابات
Where is / are ……………………..? It is / They are in ……………..
Where is the Cairo Tower? ⇒ It is in Cairo.
Where is the Sphinx? ⇒ It is in Giza.
Where are the Pyramids? ⇒ They are in Giza.
Where is the Eiffel Tower? ⇒ It is in Paris.باريس ( عاصمة فرنسا )
Where is the CN Tower? ⇒ It is in Toronto.تورنتو ( في كندا )
Where is the Galata Tower? ⇒ It is in Istanbul.إسطنبول ( في تركيا )
Where is Big Ben? ⇒ It is in London.
Where is the Telecom Tower? ⇒ It is in London.
Where is the Milad Tower? ⇒ It is in Tehran. طهران ( عاصمة إيران )

1} How high is the Great Pyramid?
⇒ It’s one hundred and thirty-seven metres high.
2} How high is the Eiffel Tower?
⇒ It’s 324 metres high.
3} How high is the CN Tower?
⇒ It’s 553 metres high.
4} How high is the Galata Tower?
⇒ It’s 67 metres high.
5} How high is Big Ben?
⇒ It’s 96 metres high.
6} How high is the Sphinx?
⇒ It’s 20 metres high.
7} How high is the Telecom Tower?
⇒ It’s 175 metres high.
8} How high is the Milad Tower?
⇒ It’s 435 metres high.
9} How high is the Cairo Tower?
⇒ It’s 187 metres high.
10} How high is the High Dam?
⇒ It’s 111 metres high.

Exercises on the fourth Unit
1- Finish the following dialogue with these words:
- 1 -
thanks doing don’t can’t
Samy : Hello, how are you?
Hany : Fine, ………………
Samy : Can you go with me to the park, Hany?
Hany : No, I ………………
Samy : Why can’t you go?
Hany : Because I am ……………… my homework.
- 2 -
Egypt pharaohs much Pyramids
Usama : Hello. Where are you from?
Tourist : I am from ………………
Usama : What did you see in Egypt?
Tourist : I saw the ………………
Usama : How do you like them?
Tourist : I like them very ………………
2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
- 1 -
1- Walid : Who built the Pyramids?
Mohsen : a) The teachers built the Pyramids.
b) The pupils built the Pyramids.
c) The pharaohs built the Pyramids.
2- Safaa : a) How is the Great Pyramid?
b) How high is the Great Pyramid?
c) How old is the Great Pyramid?
Naglaa :

- 2 -
1- Sama : How high is the Cairo Tower?
Riham : a) It’s very high.
b) It’s one hundred and eight-seven metres high.
c) It’s very old.
2- Randa : a) What’s the name of the Tower in Tehran?
b) How high is the Milad Tower?
c) Where is the Milad Tower?
Dalia : It’s in Tehran.

3-Read and match:
- 1 -
( A ) ( B )
1- What’s the number? a- The Pharaohs.
2- Who built temples? b- In Toronto.
3- Where is the CN Tower? c- 137 metres high.
4- How high is the Great Pyramid? d- 173 metres high.
e- It’s five hundred.
- 2 -
( A ) ( B )
1- Who built the Pyramids? a- The Pharaohs built them.
2- Where is the Cairo Tower? b- In Egypt.
3- How high is the Galata Tower? c- It’s 67 metres high.
4- What’s the number? d- It’s very high.
e- It’s five hundred and two.

4- Read and the following, then answer the questions:
( 1 )
Egypt is a famous country. Tourists come to Egypt and visit many places. They spend much money. They usually visit Egypt in winter. They visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. They go to the Pyramids and the Sphinx at Giza. They also visit temples at Luxor. They like taking photos of our great places.
1- What does the underlined word “They” refer to?

2- When do tourists usually visit Egypt?

3- Tourists like …………. Photographs of Egyptian ancient places.
a) selling b) drawing c) taking
4- The Sphinx is at ……………
a) Cairo b) Aswan c) Giza
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
( 1 )
1) Ahmed likes playing …………… on his mobile phone.
a) football b) games c) tennis
2) Sherif doesn’t go to school …………… Friday and Saturday.
a) at b) in c) on
3) I …………… eating fresh vegetables and fruit.
a) like b) likes c) liking
4) We can take a photo with a ……………
a) pen b) camera c) bag
5) I went back home and …………… dinner.
a) eat b) eats c) ate
6) Thursday and Friday are ……………
a) months b) years c) days
( 2 )
1) My uncle is a …………… of English.
a) teacher b) pupil c) nurse
2) She went to Port Said …………… holiday in July.
a) on b) at c) in
3) Let’s …………… a list of rules.
a) make b) made c) making
4) …………… did you cut out pictures from magazines?
a) What b) Who c) When
5) You …………… come to school on time.
a) must b) mustn’t c) aren’t
6) I like …………… my bike very much.
a) rode b) riding c) ride
( 3 )
1) You …………… throw litter in class.
a) mustn’t b) must c) can
2) Siwa is very …………… with grass and palm trees.
a) white b) green c) blue
3) There are many …………… and hills in Sinai.
a) magazines b) mountains c) rivers
4) Siwa is a beautiful town in the …………… desert.
a) North b) East c) Western
5) Can you …………… these words alphabetically?
a) order b) ordering c) take
6) “Cold” is the opposite of ……………
a) new b) old c) hot
( 4 )
1) …………… is Sayed from?
a) Where b) When c) What
2) I like …………… computer games.
a) play b) playing c) played
3) You can see …………… houses in Siwa.
a) amazing b) alphabetical c) traditional
4) He sent an …………… to his friend, Ali.
a) apple b) e-mail c) orange
5) We went to Aswan ……………holiday.
a) on b) in c) at
6) You …………… put litter in bins.
a) mustn’t b) must c) is
( 5 )
1) Tourists …………… visiting the Pyramids.
a) liking b) like c) like
2) The …………… are at Giza.
a) Pyramids b) Pyramid c) pharaohs
3) …………… I’ve got history at school.
a) Last year b) today c) last Friday
4) We’re …………… about the Ancient Egyptians.
a) learning b) learn c) learned
5) The Pyramids are …………… Giza.
a) for b) at c) on
6) …………… is the Great Pyramid?
a) When b) Who c) How high
( 6 )
1) A …………… is a fruit.
a) pear b) bear c) bin
2) A …………… is an animal.
a) bear b) born c) pear
3) …………… are you doing?
a) When b) What c) Where
4) You can write on ……………
a) people b) pupil c) paper
5) What’s one hundred …………… twenty plus twenty – three?
a) also b) too c) and
6) Let’s talk about the …………… Egyptians.
a) Ancient b) new c) young

6- Re-arrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
( 1 )
1) is – This – cart – donkey.
2) palm – are – There – trees – Siwa – in.
3) its – for – famous – Egypt – Pyramids – is.
( 2 )
1) at – What – you – zoo – did – see- the?
2) take – this – she – Where – photograph – did?
3) the – visit – Let’s – Temple – Karnak – of.

6- Write questions using the words in brackets:
( 1 )
1) I read books at home. ( Where )
2) He likes visiting Aswan in winter. ( What )
3) People go to the beach in summer. ( When )
( 2 )
1) Mona bought a new blouse. ( Who )
2) English is my favourite school subject. ( What )
3) Tourists like visiting Egypt. ( Who )

7-Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:
1- لكتابة جمل عن الأعداد وعن الجمع نستخدم :-

2- للكتابة عن الأماكن والارتفاع نستخدم : -

9- Copy the following sentences:
1- The Eiffel Tower is 324 metres high.
2- The Telecom Tower is in London.
3- The Galata Tower is in Istanbul.
4- Today we have got history.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح شامل للوحدة الرابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول
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 مواضيع مماثلة
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» شرح شامل للوحدة السابعة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول
» شرح شامل للوحدة السادسة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول
» شرح شامل للوحدة الخامسة انجليزى السادس الابتدائى ترم أول

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