منتدى شموع
Review D  اولى ثانوى تيرم2 616698752
منتدى شموع
Review D  اولى ثانوى تيرم2 616698752
منتدى شموع
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى شموع

الرئيسيةمجلة شموع الحبأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 Review D اولى ثانوى تيرم2

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الاستاذ كريم عمر

عدد المساهمات : 25
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/04/2013

Review D  اولى ثانوى تيرم2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Review D اولى ثانوى تيرم2   Review D  اولى ثانوى تيرم2 Emptyالجمعة مايو 03, 2013 4:44 pm

Review D


zoo حديقة حيوان funny مضحك
cage قفص enormous ضخم / هائل
improve يحسن energy طاقة
area مساحة / منطقة stamina القدرة على الاحتمال
clearly بوضوح group مجموعة
particular محدد / معين inspector مفتش
tiger نمر archaeologist عالم آثار
attack يهجم على / هجوم photographer مصور
frightened خائف builder عالم بناء
medical treatment علاج طبى designer مصمم (أزياء / هندسى)
director مدير wedding dress فستان زفاف
modern world عالم حديث repair = mend = fix يصلح
daily يومى scales قشور السمك
queue صف / طابور fur فرو / فراء
Kangaroo الكنغر (حيوان استرالى) lonely يشعر بالوحدة
marsupial حيوان له كيس يحمل فيه صغاره shipwrecked تتحطم به السفينة
pouch جراب / كيس apologize يعتذر
long periods فترات طويلة apology اعتذار
moisture رطوبة accept يقبل
grass حشائش the stronger الأقوى
jump يقفز The weaker الأضعف
huge ضخم / هائل training تدريب / تمرين
Joey صغير الكنغر visitors زوار
nut البندق owner مالك
domestic منزلى / أليف careful حريص / حذر
strength قوة crocodile تمساح
ants النمل protect يحمى
patience الصبر protection حماية
cooperation التعاون sound يبدو
particularly بصفة خاصة powerful قوى
nearby قريب garden wall سور الحديقة
teamwork عمل جماعى special خاص
swallow يبلع main رئيسى
lift يرفع alone بمفرده
moral درس أخلاقى / عبرة tail ذيل
hunter قناص free حر / طليق
bite يعض / يقضم escape يهرب


Idioms & Expressions

make a lot changes يحدث تغيرات كثيرة grow up ينمو / يكبر
make a decision يتخذ قرار apply for a job يتقدم بطلب لوظيفة
move around يتجول famous for مشهور بـ
look down on ينظر لأسفل على pass an exam يجتاز امتحان
look after يعتنى بـ make friends يكون أصدقاء
go on a trip يقوم برحلة wake up يوقظ
feel sorry for يشعر بالأسى نحو get worse يصبح أسوأ
walk around يتجول work with يعمل مع
on television فى التليفزيون on the radio فى الراديو
close up عن قرب get ready يستعد
pick up يلتقط come into hospital يدخل المستشفى
in height فى الارتفاع / فى الطول learn from يتعلم من
rest out of يستريح بعيدا عن at the front of أمام

Language Notes

 Would you like to + مصدر : هل تريد أن
- Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

 like يحب / hate يكره / enjoy يستمتع بـ + v. + ing:
- I like playing chess.
- I hate watching horror films.
- I enjoying travelling abroad.

 spend + مفعول + v. + ing: يقضى
- He spent the whole day watching television.

 stop ……… from + v. + ing: يمنع ...... من
- Don't stop him from doing what he wants.


Main Points

 They have made a lot of changes at the zoo.
 It's much easier for visitors to see the animals than it used to be. They've also improved things for the animals.
 For example, they've put the elephants in a larger area where they can walk further and move around more easily.
 They've built a special place where visitors can stand and watch the elephants. You can look down on their area.
 Wild animals which may attack you if they're very hungry or frightened.
 They feed wild animals and give them medical treatment if they are ill, but many of the cages are dirty and much, too small for the animals in them.
 The modern world needs zoos to teach people about wild animals. When they visit a zoo, people see animals that they would never see in their daily lives.
 Zoos can help to protect animals. Some animals are only living today because zoos have protected them


The Kangaroo – a different kind of animal

 Kangaroos are wild animals which are found only in Australia. They are marsupials, which means that their babies grow in a pouch - a kind of bag - at the front of their mother's body. There are seventeen different kinds of kangaroos. The largest, the red kangaroo, can grow up to 1.8 metres in height.
 Red kangaroos live alone or in small groups in the dry areas in the centre of Australia. They do not need to drink for long periods of time because they can find moisture in the grass and other plants that they eat. During the day, when it is hot, they sleep or rest out of the sun. They start moving around in the evening, at night or early in the morning.
 Kangaroos are famous for the way they move. They do not walk or run like most other animals, but jump using their powerful back legs and large feet. They can move six metres in one jump. They use their huge tails like another leg to stop themselves from falling, especially when they are moving slowly. Scientists have discovered that these strange jumping animals use less energy when they are moving fast than when they are moving slowly.
 "Joeys", which is what Australian people call baby kangaroos, are born into their mother's pouch, where they can drink her milk. At first, they are only as big as a small nut, but they grow slowly in the pouch until they are big enough to leave their mothers.

Questions & answers

1- Where do kangaroos live as wild animals?
- They live in Australia.

2- How do kangaroos move?
- They jump.

3- In what other ways are kangaroos different from many other animals?
- They are marsupials - their babies grow in a pouch outside the mother's body. They do not need to drink for long periods of time. They sleep or rest during the day and move around in the evening, at night or early in the morning.
4- How many different kinds of kangaroos are there?
- There are seventeen different kinds of kangaroos.

5- Where do kangaroos live?
- They live alone or in small groups in the dry areas in the centre of Australia.

6- Why don't kangaroos need to drink for long periods of time?
- Because they can find moisture in the grass and other plants that they eat.

7- What do kangaroos do when it is hot during the day?
- They sleep or rest out of the sun.

8- When do kangaroos start moving around?
- They start moving around in the evening, at night or early in the morning.

9- What strange fact do scientists find about kangaroos?
- They use less energy when they are moving fast than when they are moving slowly.

10- What are joeys?
- Joeys baby kangaroos.

11- Where do joeys grow?
- They grow slowly in the pouch until they are big enough to leave their mothers.

Critical Thinking

1- Why do you think some animals are found only in certain places?
- They have adapted to life in these places like the sand cat in Egypt.

2- Would you like to study animals? Why? Why not?
- Yes, because we learn many useful lessons from them like patience and teamwork.

3- Can we learn anything from animals? How?
- We can learn teamwork by watching ants. We can learn strength and stamina by watching horses and camels.

4- Which animals are particularly useful to humans? Why?
- Animals that work for humans, e.g. guide dogs for the blind, horses and camels for carrying things, cows for milk, etc.

5- Is it right to keep animals in cages so that people can look at them?
- No, it is not right because animals have the same rights as humans do; to be able to move freely.


The Lion and the Mouse

 While a lion was sleeping, a small mouse began running up and down his leg. Soon the angry lion woke up, put his huge foot on the mouse and opened his enormous mouth to swallow him. "I'm sorry," cried the little mouse, "Don't eat me. If you let me go, I'll never forget it. One day I will help you." The lion thought that this was such a funny idea that he lifted his foot and let the mouse go.
 The next year, the lion was caught by hunters who wanted to take him to their king. They put ropes round him so that he could not escape, then went to find more men to help carry him. At that moment, the mouse went past and saw the lion in ropes. He remembered his promise, so he went up to the lion and bit through the ropes. As soon as the lion was free, the two friends escaped together.
 The best moral for the story is: Little friends can be great friends.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- They've (done-found-played-made) a lot of changes at the zoo last year.
2- The elephants were put in a larger area where they can move (down-up-around-over) more easily.
3- Animals may (attack-attract-play-stay) people if they are hungry or frightened.
4- Mr Tom works (for-with-at-out) animals at Regents Park Zoo in London.
5- We went on a school (trip-flight-voyage-walk) to the zoo yesterday.
6- I hate (see-saw-seeing-seen) animals in cages.
7- Animals are given (medicine-medical-political-social) treatment if they are ill.
8- We can see programmes about animals (in-at-for-on) television.
9- When it is hot, Kangaroos sleep or rest (away-out of-out-by) the sun.
10- A zoo keeper looks (at-of-after-for) animals.
11- I feel sorry (for-on-at-with) him as he has lost all his money.
12- Some wild animals live in (houses-homes-cages-holes) in the zoo.
13- (Mammals-Reptiles-Birds-Marsupials) put their babies in their pouch.
14- (Joeys-Puppies-Kittens-Puppets) are baby kangaroos.
15- I'll (make-do-put-work) my English test next week.
16- Fish are covered in (scales-fur-feathers-fin).
17- Dogs and cats are covered in (scales-fur-fins-feathers)
18- A famous (designer-archaeologist-scientist-photographer) made my sister's wedding dress.
19- If you want a job, you should (apply-supply-offer-provide) for it.
20- If you don't have any friends, you might feel (lone-happy-lonely-pleased).
21- You can (improve-best-good-higher) your English by listening to English programmes.
22- I spent an hour at the station (wait-waited-to wait-waiting) for the train.
23- I want to travel because I enjoy (see-to see-seeing-saw) new places.
Grammar Review

Questions and short answers
أسئلة و إجابات مختصرة

Question Short answer
Are you Egyptian? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Is he Spanish? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Have you read this book? Yes, I have. No, I haven't.
Has he read the magazine? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't.
Do you live in Cairo? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Does he work at the university? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Can you come to my party? Yes, I can. No, I can't.
Can he swim? Yes, he can. No, he can't.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- Did you have good weekend? – Yes, I (have-had-did-do).
2- Can you drive a car? – Yes, I (can-do-drive-could).
3- Have you ever been to the zoo? - Yes, I (have-had-did-do).
4- Do you play music? - No, I (do-don't-don't play-play).
5- Will you travel abroad this year? – No, I (will-won't-can't-don't).
6- Are you Egyptian? - Yes, I (am-am not-do-are).
7- You went to a school trip to the zoo yesterday, didn't you?
- Yes, I (do-did-done-went)
8- We can see programmes about animals on television, can't we?
- Yes, we (see-do-can't-can).

Necessity & Obligation
الضرورة و الإلزام

 الضرورة و الإلزام معناه أن الإنسان مجبر و ليس لديه اختيار

Tense Statement
must + مصدر يجب أن
has to + مصدر يجب أن
have to + مصدر يجب أن
Past had to + مصدر كان يجب أن
Future will have to + مصدر سوف ينبغى أن

 Examples:
1- I must phone the doctor to make an appointment. (This is necessary)
2- I had to get up early this morning. (This was necessary)
3- You'll have to work hard to do well in the test. (This will be necessary)

Lack of necessity and Obligation
عدم و جود ضرورة أو إلزام

 عدم الضرورة و الإلزام معناه أن الإنسان غير مجبر و لديه اختيار

Tense Statement
Present doesn't have to + مصدر / don't have to + مصدر
Past didn't have to + مصدر =It was not necessary for… to + مصدر
Future won't have to + مصدر = It won't be necessary for … to + مصدر

 Examples:
1- I don't have to work on Friday. (This is not necessary)
2- My father didn't have to go to work yesterday. (This was not necessary)
3- We won't have to work next week. (This will not be necessary)

Prohibition المنع و التحريم

تعنى أن هناك قواعد و قوانين يجب اتباعها و المخالفة تعرضك للعقاب.

 mustn’t + مصدر= be not allowed to + غير مسموح بـ مصدر
be forbidden to + ممنوع من مصدر
be prohibited / banned from + v. + ing ممنوع من
 Example:
- You mustn't drive more than 50 kph. (This is a rule or law)

Advice النصيحة

 should = It is a good idea to ….. أنه الشئ الصحيح
= It's advisable to …….. مما ينصح به أن
 shouldn't = It's inadvisable to ….. مما لا ينصح به أن

 Study these sentences:
1- It's advisable to take steps to reduce pollution. (should)
We should take steps to reduce pollution.
2- I advise you not to eat sweets between meals. (shouldn't)
You shouldn't eat sweets between meals.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- children (must not- don't have to-didn't have to-needn't) put their hands into animals' cages. It's very dangerous.
2- If you want to see the baby elephant at the zoo tomorrow, you'll (must-had to-has to-have to) wait in a queue.
3- If you are working with animals, you (don't have to-didn't have to-needn't-mustn't) frighten them.
4- When you go to the zoo, you (won't have to-mustn't-doesn't have to-didn't have to) ask where the birds are because you will hear them.
5- When I worked at a zoo, I (must-will have to-should-had to) feed them two or three times a day.

6- It isn't expensive to visit the zoo, so you (mustn't-didn't have to-doesn't have to-don't have to) pay for the children.
7- Yesterday I (must-will have to-should-had to) finish my Geography project.
8- All employees (must-has to-mustn't-shouldn't) on time for work.

 Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- If I were you, I'd go and see my doctor. (should)

2- Policemen must not drink on duty. (allowed)

3- It was necessary for Jack to go home early last night. (Jack)

4- It's necessary for them to arrive at work at nine sharp. (have to)

5- It will be necessary for him to get a driving license. (have to)

6- Don't play with matches. (mustn't)

Direct & Indirect Speech
الكلام المباشر و الكلام غير المباشر

Statement الجملة الخبرية

 خطوات تحويل الجملة من كلام مباشر direct إلى كلام غير مباشر direct :

1- نحول فعل القول كما يلى:

Direct Reported Direct Reported
say to tell say say
says to tells says says
said to told said said
2- نحذف الأقواس و نربط بكلمة that التى يمكن الاستغناء عنها
3- نغير الضمائر حسب المعنى
4- إذا كان فعل القول مضارع (أو مستقبل) تتغير الضمائر فقط داخل الأقواس ولا تتغير الأزمنة أو الظروف.
أما إذا كان فعل القول ماضى نغير الأزمنة كما يلى:

Direct Reported
Present simple مضارع بسيط Past simple ماضى بسيط
Present continuous مضارع مستمر Past continuous ماضى مستمر
Present perfect مضارع تام Past perfect ماضى تام
Past simple ماضى بسيط Past perfect ماضى تام
Past continuous ماضى مستمر Past perfect cont ماضى تام مستمر
Present perfect cont مضارع تام مستمر Past perfect cont ماضى تام مستمر

كما يتم تغيير الأفعال الناقصة كما يلى:

Direct Reported Direct Reported
will would can could
shall should won't wouldn't
may might must had to
can't couldn't am / is / are going to was / were going to
كما نغير أسماء الإشارة و المكان و الكلمات الدالة على الزمن كما يلى:

Direct Reported Direct Reported
this that these those
here there now then
ago before today that day
tonight that night tomorrow the next (following) day
next year the following year
the year after yesterday the day before
the previous day
last year the year before
the previous year

1- He said, "I want to be a doctor." (He said that ………..)
He said that he wanted to be a doctor.
2- He said to me, "I've forgotten your name.” (He told me…….)
He told me that he had forgotten my name.
3- He said, "I'll see you tomorrow.” (He said he…….…)
He said he'd see me the next day.
4- She said, "I worked yesterday." (She said that…………)
She said that she had worked the day before.
5- Dalia said, "I'm doing my homework now." (Dalia said that………..)
Dalia said that she was doing her homework then.
6- He said to me, "I didn't finish my homework last night." (He told……..)
He told me that he hadn't finished his homework the night before.

1- إذا كان الكلام المباشر عبارة عن حقيقة علمية لا يحدث أى تغيير.
- He said, "Water boils when it's heated." (He said that………..)
He said that water boils when it's heated.
2- إذا كان فعل القول ماضى و الكلام قد إنتهى منذ فترة وجيزة تتغير الضمائر فقط داخل الأقواس ولا تتغير الأزمنة أو الظروف. وهذه هى الكلمات الدالة :
now, just now, a moment ago, a minute ago,........
- He said just now, "I'll visit you next week." (He said just now that)
He said just now that he'll visit me next week.
3- فى حالة وجود جملتين نربطهما بـ and that / and added that
- He said, "I can't do my homework today. I'll do it later."
He said that he couldn't do his homework that day and that he'd do it later.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- Linda told me that she (is staying-was staying-has stayed-stays- at home) all afternoon.
2- Sara (told-asked-wondered-said) that she had cooked dinner.
3- Leila told me that she (has bought-had bought-bought-was buying) a dress from the new shop the day before.
4- Lynda said that she (would take-will take-has taken-had taken) the children to the park the following day.
5- Mary said she (may-will-can-might) leave the office at 4.00.
6- He said just now he (was doing-is doing-had done-would do) his homework then.
7- He (said-told-asked-ordered) he would spend the weekend on his farm.
8- He said that water (boiled-boils-had boiled-was boiling) when it's heated.
9- Ali told me that he (don't-couldn't-won't-hasn't) swim.
10- Rania said that he had gone to the club (yesterday-the next day-the following day-the day before).

 Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- She said, "I want to bring my children tomorrow." (She said that….)

2- Jack said, "My wife went with me to the show yesterday." (Jack said that….)

3- He said to me, "I can come tonight." (He told me ……….)

4- Karim said, "I worked very hard to earn my living." (Karim said that……)

5- John said, "I'll plan a picnic for my friends." (John said that…..)

6- "I haven't been to the zoo for two or three years," said Ann. (Ann said….)

7- "They've built a special place where visitors can stand and watch the elephants," said Leila. (Leila said…….)

8- Sylvia said, "I'm interviewing people about their jobs." (Sylvia said….)

9- "The animals are my best friends," said Charlie. (Charlie said……….)

10- Mr Sherif said, "Some animals are only living today because zoos have protected them. (Mr Sherif said……..)

Linkers of result الروابط الدالة على النتيجة

subject + فاعل verb+ فعل so +adj. صفة / adv. + ظرف that+ جملة
جدا لدرجة أن
- He was very clever. He answered all questions. ( so…that)
He was so clever that he answered all questions.
إذا بدأنا بـ so تكون الجملة التى تليها على شكل سؤال.
- He ran so quickly that he caught the train. (So)
So quickly did he run that he caught the train.

Subject + فاعلverb +فعل such + a/an adj.صفة+ n. اسم+ that جملة+
جدا لدرجة أن
- It was a very hot day. We decided to stay indoors. (such….that)
It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors.
إذا بدأنا بـ such تكون الجملة التى تليها على شكل سؤال.
- It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors. (Such)
Such a hot day was it that we decided to stay indoors.

ظرف / صفة+ فعل+فاعل + enough to +مصدر ( جدا لدرجة أن (تفيد الإثبات
- He is very rich. He can buy an expensive car. (enough to)
He is rich enough to buy an expensive car.

+فعل +فاعلtoo + صفة/ ظرف + to + مصدر جدا لدرجة ألا (تفيد النفى)
- The tea is very hot. I can’t drink it. (too…..to)
The tea is too hot to drink.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- The weather was (enough-very-such-so) lovely that we spent the whole day in the open.
2- It was (very-enough-too-so) dark for me to recognize him.
3- He isn’t (too tall-tall enough-so tall-very tall) to touch the ceiling.
4- He was (so-such-very-too) a coward that he ran away from the battlefield.
5- These are (so-very-such a-such) tight shoes that I can't wear them.

 Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He is very weak. He can’t walk. (too….to)

2- The exam was very easy. We could answer all questions. (enough to)

3- It was a very difficult question. I failed to answer it. (such…..that)

4- He is such a fast swimmer that I think he could win the race. (He swims….)

5- The film is so interesting that it would be a pity to miss it. (It was such…. (


1- Finish the following dialogue:
Nadia : (1)……………….?
Azza : It's a photograph of my town.?
Nadia : (2)……….?
Azza : Next to the library? That's the cinema.
Nadia : (3)…………….?
Azza : Yes, there's a post office behind the bank..
Nadia : (4)………….?
Azza : My school? It's behind the park.

2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Birds are covered in .................... which keep them warm and protect them.
a) scales b) fins c) feathers d) fur
2- They .................... a lot of changes at the zoo last year.
a) did b) made c) found d) played
3- Britain is a large .................... in the north of Europe .
a) island b) place c) town d) sea
4- Hesham said he .................... flown to Istanbul the week before .
a) has b) had c) is d) was
5- When will we .................... do our English test this term ?
a)must b) have c) should d) have to
6- Sand cats, elephants and lions are all ................. animals .
a) wild b) huge c) extreme d) dry
7- Birds live in .................... which they often build in trees .
a) houses b) holes c) branches d) nests
8- I want to .................... my English . I'm taking extra lessons next week.
a)improve b) best c) good d) higher
9- .................... I was working , my mobile phone rang three times .
a) During b) As soon as c) While d)Then
10- John said his favourite drink .................... orange juice .
a) has been b) was c) was being d) are

3- Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- There's no school tomorrow because it's a holiday . ( have to )
2- If I were you , I'd go and see your doctor. ( should )
3- This is the first time I've travelled by air. ( never)
4- I'm really looking forward to my holiday. ( John said )

4- Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph
Yasser was getting ready to go to school when the telephone rang. He run into the living room, picked up the phone and said, “Hello, this is Yasser. "You'll have to go to school without my this morning”, said his best friend Ali. “What’s a matter?” asked Yasser. “I don't feeling well," said Ali, "I think I have flu.”
1- …………… 2- ………………. 3- ……………. 4- ……………..
5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space;
I first heard Robinson Crusoe on the radio when I was ten years (1)…….……. A man with a quite voice read the (2)…….……. every evening on a children's programme . Each part of the story lasted fifteen(2)…….……. It was so exciting, I couldn't wait to (4)…….……. The next part of the story . I really wanted to (5)…….……. how it was going to end . Since then , Robinson Crusoe has been one of my(6)…….……. stories. '

6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Omar decided that he wanted to be a doctor when he grew up. He made his decision after seeing a television programme about a doctor who worked in a country area in China . So Omar worked hard at school , passed all his exams and went to university to study to be a doctor. He spent most of his time working , but also made many good friends.
When he finished his training , he found a job as a junior doctor working in a village in northern India. He worked with a group of older doctors and a young doctor he had trained with. Most of the time they worked in a small village hospital , but on two days a week they went to a nearby town and helped the Indian doctors who worked there. One day, when Omar was working in the larger hospital , a young man came in with a broken leg . He wasn't Indian. When the man saw Omar, he said ," Omar ! Do you remember me ? We were in the same course at university

A) Answer the following questions :
1- When did Omar decide he wanted to be a doctor ?
2- Where did the doctor on the television programme work ?
3- Where did Omar work when he had finished his training ?
4- What was wrong with the man who came into the hospital ?

B) Choose the correct answer:
5- In what part of India was the village where Omar worked ?
a) the capital b) the south c) the north d) the east
6- Who did he work with at first in India ?
a) other junior doctors
b) some older and younger doctors
c) older doctors
d) a group of friends
7- How did the young man in hospital know Omar ?
a) They had been at university together
b) Their parents were friends
c) They played for the same football team
d) They had been at school together

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- How did Robinson Crusoe arrive on the island ?
2- Why was he lonely on the island ?
3- How did Robinson Crusoe know there was another person on the island ?
4- How do you think Robinson Crusoe felt when he first arrived on the island ?
5- When he arrived in England , what do you think Robinson Crusoe missed his life on the island ?
6- Why do you think he went back to the island after his wife died

8- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- I am not busy now .
2- They won't be able to finish their work on time
3- We mustn't break school rules .
4- Don't put off today's work till tomorrow.

B) Translate into English:
1- لا تشرب الجمال الماء لفترة طويلة.
2- لن أسافر إلى أسوان غداً .
3- لا يحب أخى أكل الحلوى .
4- لم أقابلهم فى الإسبوع الماضى.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المعلم المثالى

المعلم المثالى

ذكر عدد المساهمات : 4368
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/03/2013

Review D  اولى ثانوى تيرم2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Review D اولى ثانوى تيرم2   Review D  اولى ثانوى تيرم2 Emptyالأحد مايو 05, 2013 11:14 am

درس مهم وشرح أكثر من رائع بارك الله فيك أخى وأستاذى الغالى كريم
لك أرق تحية من القلب لمجهودك الكبير بالمنتدى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Review D اولى ثانوى تيرم2
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى شموع :: المنتدى الإدارى :: أرشيف المناهج والموضوعات القديمة :: الصف الأول الثانوى :: لغة إنجليزية ترم ثانى-
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