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Review F لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى 616698752
منتدى شموع
Review F لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى 616698752
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هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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 Review F لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الاستاذ كريم عمر

عدد المساهمات : 25
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/04/2013

Review F لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Review F لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى   Review F لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى Emptyالجمعة مايو 03, 2013 7:06 pm

Review F
expedition رحلة استكشافية storm عاصفة
restaurant مطعم brilliant رائع
entertainment تسلية clear pictures صور واضحة
mild معتدل seats مقاعد
equipment أجهزة / معدات straight مباشرة
film يصور فيلم exhausting مرهق / منهك
glad سعيد sights معالم سياحية
tourist places أماكن سياحية see / saw / seen يرى
Beach بلاج watch يشاهد
postcard كارت بريدى colleague زميل
fly يطير / يسافر بالطائرة tidy يرتب / ينظم
flying الشفر بالطائرة training تدريب
climate changes تغيرات مناخية application form استمارة طلب وظيفة
recently حديثا happy سعيد
youth شاب worried قلق
expression تعبير terrified مرعوب / خائف
arrangements ترتيبات bored يشعر بالملل
book = reserve يحجز traditions تقاليد
Egypt Air شركة مصر للطيران quite الى حد ما
flight رحلة طيران terrible فظيع
grandparents أجداد recently مؤخرا
winds رياح wildlife حياة برية
organise ينظم formal رسمى
Idioms & Expressions
make friends يكون صداقات go shopping يذهب للتسوق
take photos يلتقط صور / يصور pick ….. up يصطحب
do maths at يدرس الرياضيات فى make the beds يرتب الفراش
far away بعيدا look at ينظر الى
get on with يكون على علاقة طيبة مع turn on يشغل
think of يفكر فى turn off يطفئ
different from مختلف عن interested in مهتم بـ
Language Study
 enjoy + v. + ing: يستمتع بـ
- I enjoy being with other people of my own age.

 spend + مدة زمنية + v. + ing: يقضى .... فى
- They spent a lot of time playing football and other sports.

 let + مفعول + مصدر : يدع / يسمح
- I am writing to let you know that everything is OK.

 either .... or: اما ......... أو
- Either you pay your debts or you'll go to prison.


James Moore's Global Challenge

 Last year James Moore, an 18-year-old boy from England, went on a Global Challenge holiday to Cuzco in Peru. He spent four weeks in Peru. For the first two weeks, he worked in an old people's home, where he had to make the beds, clean the rooms and cook food for the old people. He enjoyed the work very much. Best of all, he liked talking to the old people about their lives. They told him interesting stories about what the country was like when they were young. They showed him photographs of their families, and James told them about his family in England.
 For the last two weeks of his holiday, James joined a group and walked along the Inca Trail from Cuzco to the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu. It was a long and exhausting walk, but the areas they walked through were beautiful, and they saw many wonderful sights. Machu Picchu itself was incredible. James took lots of photographs to show his friends at home.
 James loved his time in Peru and hopes I to visit the old people's home again I would like to spend more time with met in Cuzco.

Questions & answers

1- Where did James go for his Global Challenge holiday?
- He went to Peru.

2- What did James do during the first two weeks of his holiday?
- He worked in an old people's home

3- What three jobs did James have to do to help old people?
- He had to make the beds, clean the rooms and cook food for the old people.

4- What did James enjoy most about his job?
- He enjoyed talking to the old people about their lives most.
5- What did James do in the second half of his holiday?
- He joined a group and walked along the Inca Trail from Cuzco to Machu Picchu.

6- What was good about this part of James's holiday? What was difficult?
- The countryside was beautiful and he saw many wonderful sights, but the walk was long and exhausting.

7- Why do you think James enjoyed talking to the old people?
- He probably found them very friendly and learnt from them a lot about the past.

8- What could you learn from old people?
- I could learn about last traditions and history.

9- How could you help old people?
- I could help with everyday jobs such as cleaning and cooking. I could help them with new technology such as showing them how to use a computer or a mobile phone.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- He enjoys (be-being-is-are) with other people of his own age.
2- During his stay in the USA, he (did-worked-gave-made) a lot of new friends.
3- She is interested (in-with-by-of) all kinds of wildlife.
4- He (looked-observed-watched-looked at) the wildlife programme on Channel 6 last night.
5- She gets (up-over-through-on) best with her little sister.
6- They spent a lot of time (playing-played-plays-play) football and other sports.
7- They spent some time on the beach and went (swim-swam-swimming-swims).
8- Do you ever (make-go-stay-work) shopping alone?
9- They (booked-revised-conserved-locked) a taxi to take him to the hotel.
10- A taxi will pick him and his family (out-up-down-off) to the airport.
11- We have (reserved-revised-conserved-locked) two seats on Egypt Air flight MS 719 from Cairo to Amman.
12- When he was walking along the Inca Trail, he (saw-watched-looked-noticed) many wonderful sights.
13- You shouldn't (see-watch-look-look at) the sun. it can hurt your eyes.
14- Cats and some other animals can (see-watch-look-look at) very well in the dark.
15- My brother isn't very good at sport, but he likes (seeing-watching-looking-looking at) it on television.
16- She's (happy-terrified-interested-worried) about her son – he said he'd phone but he hasn't.
17- He's always been (happy-terrified-interested-worried) of spiders.
18- (Neither-Both-As well-Either) you leave now or I call the police!
19- When he gets up, he (does-makes-works-gets) the beds.
20- When you see the water boiling, turn (off-on-out-into) the gas.
Grammar Review
Question tag السؤال المذيل

Ÿ السؤال المذيل عبارة عن سؤال قصير يضاف فى نهاية الجملة لزيادة التأكيد و معناه "أليس كذلك".
Ÿ يتكون السؤال المذيل من فعل مساعد أو فعل ناقص و ضمير فاعل.
Ÿ فى حالة عدم وجود فعل مساعد أو فعل ناقص نستخدم do / does / did حسب الزمن.
Ÿ إذا كانت الجملة مثبتة يكون السؤال المذيل منفى و العكس.

1- You're from Cairo, aren't you?
2- He isn't from Turkey, is he?
3- You woke up early, didn't you?
4- We aren't going to agree, are we?
5- It’s hot today, isn’t it?
6- Magi speaks English well, doesn’t she?
7- Dalia has typed the letters, hasn’t she?
8- Tom won’t be late, will he?
9- It’s stopped raining, hasn’t it?
10- I shall visit you, shan’t I?
11- Martina doesn’t speak Latin, does she?

لاحظ الشواذ الآتية.
1- Let’s go to the club, shall we?
2- Let us stay here, will (won’t) you?
3- I am a dentist, aren’t I?
4- Open the door, will (can/could/would/won’t) you?
5- Don’t stay up late, will you?
6- You must take the medicine, needn’t you?
7- This / That is fantastic, isn’t it?

The passive المبنى للمجهول

فيما يلى طريقة تحويل الجملة من مبنى للمعلوم الى مبنى للمجهول فى الازمنة المختلفة:

Present Simple
مضارع بسيط مفعول + am / is / are + pp + by + فاعل
1- People Speak Arabic in Egypt.
- Arabic is spoken in Egypt.
2- Ali types letters every Saturday.
- Letters are typed by Ali every Saturday.
Past Simple
ماضى بسيط مفعول + was / were + pp + by + فاعل
1- Ali invited me to a party.
- I was invited to a party.
2- They cancelled all flights because of fog.
- All flights were cancelled because of fog.
Present Continuous
مضارع مستمر مفعول + am / is / are + being + pp + by + فاعل
1- The mechanic is repairing my car.
- My car is being repaired by the mechanic.
2- The secretary is typing some letters.
- Some letters are being typed by the secretary.
Past Continuous
ماضى مستمر مفعول + was / were + being + pp + by + فاعل
1- I thought someone was watching me.
- I thought I was being watched.
2- Rania was washing the dishes.
- The dishes were being washed by Rania.
Present Perfect
مضارع تام مفعول + has / have + been + pp + by + فاعل
1- I have paid the bill.
- The bill has been paid.
2- Noha has washed the dishes.
- The dishes have been washed by Noha.
Past Perfect
ماضى تام مفعول + had + been + pp + by + فاعل
1- Someone had cleaned my room.
- My room had been cleaned.
2- I wondered why they followed me.
- I wondered why I had been followed.
Future Simple
مستقبل بسيط مفعول + will / shall +be + pp + by + فاعل
- They will tell you your exam results next Monday.
You will be told your exam results next Monday.
be going to
مفعول+ be going to + be + pp + by + فاعل
- Who are you going to invite to your birthday party?
Who is going to be invited to your birthday party?
فعل ناقص+ مصدر
الأفعال الناقصة
will / would / shall should / can / could may / might / must has to / have to had to / will have to ought to / used to needn't مفعول + فعل ناقص + be + pp + by + فاعل
1- We may find more oil in the future.
- More oil may be found in the future.
2- He should take the medicine three times a day.
- The medicine should be taken three times a day.
3- Students must obey school rules.
- School rules must be obeyed.
4- You can see the sea from our bedroom window.
- The sea can be seen from our bedroom window.

فعل ناقص+ have + pp
مفعول+فعل ناقص+have+been+pp+by+ فاعل
1- The government will have built the road by May.
- The road will have been built by May.
2- Someone must have opened the door.
- The door must have been opened.
Reported Speech
الكلام المنقول

Question الأسئلة

خطوات تحويل السؤال من كلام مباشر direct إلى indirect كلام غير مباشر:
1- نحول فعل القول كما يلى

Direct Indirect
say / say to ask
says / says to asks
said / said to asked

2- نحذف الأقواس و علامة الاستفهام و نربط بـ :
أ- if / whether إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بفعل مساعد أو فعل ناقص.
ب- أداة الاستفهام إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بها.
3- نغير الضمائر حسب المعنى.
4- نستخدم الفاعل ثم الفعل مع حذف الفعل المساعد do / does / did .
إذا كان فعل القول مضارع نغير الضمائر فقط
أما إذا كان فعل القول ماضى نغير الأزمنة كما يلى:

Direct Indirect
Present simple مضارع بسيط Past simple ماضى بسيط
Present continuous مضارع مستمر Past continuous ماضى مستمر
Present perfect مضارع تام Past perfect ماضى تام
Past simple ماضى بسيط Past perfect ماضى تام
Past continuous ماضى مستمر Past perfect cont ماضى تام مستمر
Present perfect cont مضارع تام مستمر Past perfect cont ماضى تام مستمر

كما يتم تغيير الأفعال الناقصة كما يلى:

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
will would can could
shall should won't wouldn't
may might can't couldn't

كما نغير أسماء الإشارة و المكان و الكلمات الدالة على الزمن كما يلى:

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
this that these those
here there now then
ago before today that day
tonight that night tomorrow the next (following) day
next year the following year
the year after yesterday the day before
the previous day
last year the year before
the previous year

1- He said to me, "Will you come soon?" (He asked me….)
He asked me if I would come soon.
2- She said to me, "Do you want anything to drink?" (She asked….)
She asked me if I wanted anything to drink.
3- He said to her, "Do you need any help?" (He asked her……….)
He asked her whether she needed any help.
4- The policeman said to him, "Where do you live?" (The policeman asked)
The policeman asked him where he lived.
5- She said to me, "What's your name?" (She asked me….)
She asked me what my name was.
5- He said to me, "Why did you leave your last job?" (He asked)
He asked me why I had left my last job.

 Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- We have completed all your holiday arrangements. (All
2- "Have you travelled with One World before, Mr Sherif?" (Samira asked)
3- We have booked a taxi to take you to the airport.
4- "Where are you going for your holiday?" (I asked him ……….)
5- A taxi will pick you and your family up at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
6- "When are you planning to leave and come back?" (She asked him)
7- We have reserved seats for you on Egypt Air flight MS719.
8- A driver will meet you at the airport.
9- "Do you want to travel by plane or train?" (She asked me)
10- A driver will take you straight to your hotel.
11- "How are you going to pay?" (He asked me)
12- We have reserved two rooms at the Central Hotel.
13- You came home late last night, didn't you? (early)

Test (units 16, 17, 18)

A-Language Functions

1- Finish the following dialogue between Ali and Amr:
Ali : (1)…………
Amr : No, I've never played games on the internet. I prefer to do real sports.
Ali : (2)……….
Amr : Tennis and squash.
Ali : (3)………….
Amr :I think I prefer tennis.
Ali : (4)….
Amr : This weekend? No, I'm busy, but we could play next weekend.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You think that you and your friend are going swimming this afternoon, but you want to check with your friend that you are right.
2- You think your friend's favourite school subject is history, but you want to check with this friend that you are right.
3- Your friend has a worried expression on his/her face. Ask him/her why.
4- Tell your friend about your family's summer holiday plans (a month in Spain.

B-Vocabulary and structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- I've lost my tennis shoes. Have you…………. them?
a- watched b-seen c- looked at d- saw
2- I'm hoping to .......maths when I go to university.
a- make b -go c- study d -see
3- When I first went to school, I…… lots of new friends
a- made b- making c- did d- had
4- When I was on holiday, I…. swimming every day.
a- go b -made c- went d –had
5- Lizza asked me if I…… on the school trip to the museum tomorrow.
a- go b- was going c-went d- had gone
6- There are beautiful beaches on this ..., aren't there?
a- community b- climate c-coast d -scene
7- You haven't seen my history book,
a -has it b- haven't you c -have you d -hasn't it
8- The Hound of the Baskervilles was by Conan Doyle
a- wrote b -written. c- writing d- write
9- The room is very dull. We should…. it.
a- inherit b- orbit c- arrange d -decorate
10- I'm having a lesson with my sports…. this afternoon
a- lesson b- instructor c -teaching d- member
4- Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph :
A man was dressed in black clothes and with black shoes. He were walking down the middle of a street with no lights. A car with no lights came around a corner and drove very fast towards he. The driver stopped the car just in time and the man in black was not hurted. Why didn't the driver hit a man?

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
Yesterday morning, Mr Finlay had to leave his office and go to a short meeting with one of his colleagues. He was only out of the (1)…………….. for about five minutes, but when he got back, everything looked(2)…….…………... The light had been (3)………..……….. on and his computer had been turned off. His coffee (4)………………….. was clean, and his (5)………….. had been tidied. Someone had (6)………….. his office for him!

C-Reading comprehension and Set Book

6-Read the following e-mail, then answer the questions:

Send Attach Address Reply Delete

Subject :

Dear Global Challenge Holidays,
I've just found your website and I've been looking at the wonderful expeditions you organise. I would be very interested in joining one of your expeditions this summer.
I am an English student and I am 18 years old. When I leave school, I am going to university to train to be a doctor. When I have finished my training, I would like to work in South America.
I am hoping to join the expedition to Durban in South Africa because I would love to spend a month helping with the conservation of animals. I would also like to know more about the lives of the people of South Africa and the history of the country. I would be interested in working with children of any age. I speak French and I have experience with conservation work, as we did a school project on it.
Please e-mail me a form so that I can apply for the expedition to South Africa.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Tony Fisher

A) Answer the following questions :
1- Where did Tony read about Global Challenge Holidays?
2- Why does he want to join the Durban expedition?
3- What does he want to know about South Africa?
4- What does he ask the company to send him?

B) Choose the correct answer:
5- When does Tony want to join an expedition?
a) next year b) next summer
c) this year d) when he leaves school
6- What is Tony going to study at university?
a) geography b) medicine
c) English d) sport
7- Who does Tony want to work with?
a) doctors b) children
c) old people d) animals

7- Answer only four (4) of the following questions:
1- What is the name of the man who works with Sherlock Holmes?
2- What does Sherlock Holmes do when he first hears about the story of the Baskerville family?
3- What happens to the dog at the end of the story?
4- Why do you think Sherlock Holmes finds the Baskerville story funny when he first hears it?
5- Why do you think Sir Charles Baskerville had a terrified expression on his face?
6- Why do you think Sherlock Holmes suddenly becomes more interested in the crime?

D-The Novel

8- A) Answer the following questions :( Quick Thinking)
1-Why was Van going to New York?
2-Why did he employ Benting?
3-How did Van meet his end?
4-What quick decision did Benting take when he saw the box of diamonds disappear into the sea?

B- Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"But I must admit that I have rarely had to make any sudden decision myself"
1-Who said this to whom?
2-Why did the speaker rarely make sudden decision?
3-What about the others' decisions?
9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
"How we can help old people"

10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- It is dangerous to cross the road without looking left and right.
2- My brother is married to a famous doctor.
3- I thanked her for her valuable present.
4- We all look forward to meeting our old friends.
5- What are the countries of the Middle East famous for?

B) Translate into English:
1- من المهم مساعدة جيراننا و أصدقائنا.
2- من الأفضل ممارسة هواية مفيدةفى وقت فراغك .
3- من المثير قراءة قصص الخيال الخيال العلمى.
4- من المفيد تناول الفاكهة و الخضروات الطازجة يومياً.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المعلم المثالى

المعلم المثالى

ذكر عدد المساهمات : 4368
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/03/2013

Review F لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Review F لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى   Review F لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى Emptyالأحد مايو 05, 2013 11:13 am

درس مهم وشرح أكثر من رائع بارك الله فيك أخى وأستاذى الغالى كريم
لك أرق تحية من القلب لمجهودك الكبير بالمنتدى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Review F لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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منتدى شموع :: المنتدى الإدارى :: أرشيف المناهج والموضوعات القديمة :: الصف الأول الثانوى :: لغة إنجليزية ترم ثانى-
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