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The Face on the Wall لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى 616698752
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The Face on the Wall لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى 616698752
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 The Face on the Wall لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الاستاذ كريم عمر

عدد المساهمات : 25
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/04/2013

The Face on the Wall لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The Face on the Wall لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى   The Face on the Wall لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى Emptyالجمعة مايو 03, 2013 6:19 pm

The Face on the Wall
 The narrator and a group of people were talking about unusual events that seemed to have no natural explanation. There was a stranger among those speakers. He was a little man with a pale face. He was watching them carefully, but didn't say a word. To include the stranger in the talk, Dabney asked the stranger if he had any experience to describe a story which couldn’t be explained.
 The stranger began to talk. He said that truth is much stranger and more interesting than stories. He told them that he had a true story which happened to him personally and completed itself only that afternoon.
 The storyteller said that he rented a room in Ormond Street a year or two years ago. There were a lot of patches on the wall because the house was old and the place was damp. One of these patches looked like the face of a real man. All the other patches began to change, but the face never changed its shape.
 The storyteller used to watch the face and began to think of it as real as his fellow-lodger. The face got a firmer hold of him and grew more and more remarkable. The nose had a curious turn and the shape of the head was unusual. It was the face of a very unusual man, a man in a thousand.

The storyteller began to search for the real man
He began to look for someone who looked like the face on the wall. He looked for him in busy and crowded places like political meetings, football matches, and railway stations, but in vain.

He believed that he was connected with the face by fate. People thought he was mad because he was watching the people and looking at their faces. The police suspected him also.

Suddenly, he saw the man in a taxi and took another taxi and followed him. At Caring Cross railway station, he saw the man standing with a little girl and other two ladies. He tried to talk to the man, but he couldn't because they took the train to Folkestone to go to France. So, he booked a ticket to Folkestone to catch the man before he sailed to France. Also, he failed to talk to the man and he had to ride the boat with him.

The storyteller got shocked
After half an hour of the voyage, the storyteller met the man when he got out of his room. He asked him to give him his card because he had a very important reason to communicate with him. The man thought that he was a mad man and gave him the card at once.

When he read the card and knew that the man's name was "Ormond Wall" from Pittsburg-U.S.A. , he fainted and was taken to the hospital at Boulogne for some weeks.

After a month, the storyteller went back home and collected as much information as possible about Mr. Ormond Wall. He knew that he was a millionaire with English parents who had lived in London. He knew this information from some Americans and some American newspaper men.

The face on the wall became faint
A day before, he discovered that the face on the wall was faint. When he bought the paper and read about an accident that took place to Mr. Ormond Wall and a party. The car was overturned and Mr. Ormond Wall was badly injured.
The face on the wall disappeared
When he returned to his room, he was greatly shocked because he found that the face had completely disappeared. Later, he knew that Mr. Ormond Wall had died at that moment.
The three extraordinary things
The storyteller said that there were three extraordinary things about this story. First, the face on the wall in the room looked like the face of a true American gentleman and the man's name had a relation to the place Ormond Street. Second, the face on the wall was faint when Mr. Ormond had an accident and disappeared when he died.

He finished talking and when he was at the door, the people in the room reminded him of the third thing. The stranger said that the third thing was that he made the story up about half an hour ago.

Questions & answers

1- What kind of story is "The Face on the Wall"?
- It is a mystery.

2- What kind of events were the people in the story talking about?
- Unusual events . أحداث غير عادية

3- Who encouraged the storyteller to tell his story?
- Dabney.

4- What does the storyteller say about "truth"?
- He says that truth is much stranger and more interesting than stories.

5- How did the storyteller attract the audience?
- He told them that it was a true story that happened to him personally and completed itself that afternoon.

6- Why were there patches بقع on the walls جدران of his room?
- Because the house was old and the place مكان was damp رطب

7- What was the face on the wall made of?
- It was made of a patch of water.

8- What was strange about the patch on the wall?
- It was exactly like a human face and it didn't change like the other ones.

9- Describe the face on the wall.
- It was the face of a very unusual man. The head had an unusual shape. The nose had a curving turn.

10- Why did the storyteller think that the face on the wall became his fellow lodger?
- Because it controlled him.

11- What did the writer feel about the face on the wall?
- He felt that he and the face on the wall were connected by fate. He also felt sure that the face on the wall was the face of a real person.

12- Why is the story teller sure that the face was the face of a real person?
- Because it had such a strong control سيطرة on him .

13- How did the face get a firm hold سيطرة شديدة of the storyteller ?
- He looked at the face thinking of it as his fellow lodger.

14- Where did the storyteller think he would meet the man ?
- At places where men collect يتجمع in large numbers . بعدد كبير

15- Where did the storyteller search for the man with the face on the wall?
- He looked for him in crowded places such as political meetings, football matches and railway stations. He also stopped at busy corners watching people.

16- Why did the storyteller go to political meetings, football matches?
- Because he felt sure that he would meet the real man there.

17- Why does the police begin to suspect يشك the storyteller ?
- Because he standsيقف at busy مزدحم corners نواصي and looks only at men.

18- Where did the storyteller see a man with the face on the wall ?
- He saw him in a taxi .

19- What did the storyteller do when he saw the man on the wall?
- He took a taxi and followed him to the railway station. He took the same train with the man and finally met him on the boat going to Boulogne in France.

20- Why did the storyteller go to Boulogne?
- Because he was trying to discover the identity of the man whose face had appeared on the wall.

21- When the storyteller asks Mr Ormond Wall for his card, Mr Wall does not ask him why he wants it. What does the storyteller say about this?
- He says that he probably thought he was a madman and considered it best to do what he wanted.

22- What made Mr Ormond Wall give the storyteller his card?
- He probably thought he was a madman and considered it best to do what he wanted.

23- What happened when the storyteller read the man's card? Why?
- He passed out and later found himself in hospital.

24- Why did the storyteller faint when he read Mr Wall's card?
- Because the man's name was the same name of his street where he lived.

25- What did the storyteller do to find out all he could about Mr Ormond Wall?
- He wrote to Pittsburg, American newspaper men and met Americans in London.

26- What did the storyteller find out about Mr Ormond Wall?
- He found out that he was an American millionaire and with English parents who lived in London.

27- Where was Ormond Wall going, and with whom, when he had the accident?
- He was going to Pisa with a party when he had the accident.

28- What happened to the face on the wall when Mr Ormond Wall had an accident?
- It faded.

29- When did the face on the wall fade?
- It faded when Mr Ormond Wall had an accident.

30- When did the face on the wall become faint?
- It became faint when Mr Ormond Wall had an accident.

31- After the storyteller reads about Mr Ormond Wall's serious condition following the accident, why do you think he describes going to back to his room as if in a dream?
- Because he found it hard to believe that the face on the wall had begun to fade following Mr Ormond Wall's accident, and he was shocked to hear about his accident.

32- When did the face on the wall disappear?
- It disappeared when Mr Ormond died.

33- What happened the moment the face on the wall completely disappeared?
- Mr Ormond died.

34- How were the audience impressed by the stranger's story?
- They said that it was most remarkable and most extraordinary.

35- What were the extraordinary things about the story "The Face on the Wall"?
- 1) The face on the wall was like مثل the face of Mr Ormond.
2) The man’s name was the same as the name of the place.
3) He had made up the story half an hour ago.

36- What was the third extraordinary thing in "The Face on the Wall"?
- The storyteller made up the story half an hour ago.

37- How does the story teller surprise us at the end of his story?
- We discover that his story is not the truth; it's a lie.


2- "Well, not a story in the ordinary sense of the word."
1- Who said this statement to whom?
- The storyteller to Dabny and the friends.
2- What did Dabney encourage يشجع the story tellerراوي القصة to do ?
- To tell a story.
3- What did the story teller say about his story?
- It was true حقيقي , but stranger أغرب than imaginary ones . خيالي

3- "I could tell you of an event which happened to me personally, and which strangely enough completed itself only this afternoon."
1- Who said these words? To whom?
2- What strange things about this event?
3- Did the event really happen to the speaker? How do you know?

4- "One of these patches, as indeed often happens was exactly like a human face."
1- Who said these words?
- The storyteller
2- Where was that patch?
- It was on the damp wall of his room.
3- What was the face on the wall made of?
- A patch of water.
4- What was strange about that patch?
- It was exactly like a human face.
5- When did that patch disappear?
- It disappeared when Mr Ormond Wall died.

5- "It was then that this face began to get a firmer hold of me. It grew more and more real and remarkable?"
1- Who said these words?
2- Why did the face control him?
3- What happened when the face got a firmer hold of him?

6- "I found myself searching the streets for one like it."
1- Who said these words?
- The storyteller.
2- Who was he searching for?
- He was searching for the man whose face was on the wall
3- Where did he search for him?
- He searched for him crowded places such as political meetings, football matches and railway stations.

7- "I stood at busy corners watching the crowd until people thought me mad."
1- Who is the speaker?
- The storyteller.
2- Why did he stand at busy corners?
- To find the man whose face was on the wall.

3- Why did the police suspect him?

8- "And then at last I saw him , he was in a taxi driving east along Piccadilly"
1- Who was that man going east along Piccadilly?
- It was Mr Ormond wall.
2- What did the storyteller do when he saw that man?
- He took another taxi and followed him to the railway station.
3- Where was the storyteller able to قادر على talk to that man?
- On board على ظهر السفينة the ship sailing to يبحر إلي France.

9- "Excuse me, but do you mind giving me your card?
1- Who said these words? To whom?
- The storyteller said these words to Mr Ormond.
2- Why did he ask for his card?
- To communicate with him.
3- What did the man do?
- He gave him the card thinking that he was a madman.

10- "Excuse me, but do you mind giving me your card?
1- Who said this? to whom ?
- The storyteller to Mr Ormond.
2- What was written on the card?
- The man’s name and address.
3- What happened to the speaker when he read the card? Why?
- He fainted أغمي عليه because the name of the man was the same نفس name of the street where he lived.

11- "Holding the card tightly. I hurried to a quiet corner of the ship and read it."
1- Who said this ?
- The storyteller .
2- What did he read on the card?
- The man’s name and address.
3- Why was what he had read a great shock to him ?
- Because the name of the man was the same name of the street where the speaker lived.

12- "Last night it had been as clear as ever: now it was very faint."
1- Who was the speaker?
- The storyteller.
2- What was he talking about?
- The face on the wall.
3- How did he feel when it grew faint?
- He felt sad.

13- "I went back to my room as if I was in a dream, and sat on the bed looking with unseeing eyes at the face on the wall."
1- Who said these words?
- The storyteller
2- What did the writer’s friends say about the story of “ the Face on
the Wall”?
- They said that was most remarkable and most extraordinary .
3- Why did the story teller describe going back to his room as if
"in a dream"?
- Because it is hard صعب for him to believe that the face began to fade when Mr Wall had an accident.

14- "There are three extraordinary three most remarkable things about my story."
1- Who said this to whom?
- The storyteller to his friends .
2- What were the three extraordinary things?
- The face on the wall was like مثل the face of Mr. Ormond. The man’s name was the same as the name of the place. He made it up half an hour ago.
3- What is the only true thing in the story?
- He made the story up half an hour ago.

15- "Oh the third thing."
1- Who said these words?
- The storyteller.
2- What was meant by the third thing?
- He had made up the story half an hour ago.
3- What were the Writer and the others talking about?
-They were talking about unusual events that seemed to have no natural explanation.


2-Why did the man with the face on the wall go to the railway station?
To take the train to Folk stone and go to France by train .

3-Who was standing with that man ?
Two ladies and a little girl .

4- Where did the man and his group disappear ?
They disappeared in a private room .
5- What did the storyteller do to speak with the man with the face on the wall ?
He waited opposite the door of the private room .
6- What did the storyteller do when the man got out of the room ?
He asked him to give him his card because he wanted to
communicate with him .

2- How long did the stranger stay in hospital ?
He stayed for some weeks in hospital .

What was strange about one of the patches on the wall?
What great surprise did we have at the end of the story ?
Why did Mr Ormond give his card to the story teller without objection? اعتراض
What is the nationality of Mr Ormond Wall?
How did the story teller try to make his listeners believe his story?
What was strange about the patches of dampness?
What did the face on the wall look like?
Where did the storyteller look for the real man?
What knowledge did the story teller get about Mr Ormond?
Where was the storyteller living a year ago?
How did the story teller set to work to discover يكتشف all he could about Mr Ormond ?
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ذكر عدد المساهمات : 4368
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/03/2013

The Face on the Wall لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Face on the Wall لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى   The Face on the Wall لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى Emptyالأحد مايو 05, 2013 11:13 am

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The Face on the Wall لغة انجليزية اولى ثانوى ترم ثانى
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